Support our ‘Youth Training Hub’ Crowdfunder…

On Easter Sunday a catastrophic fire ripped through the back unit of our workshop in Bermondsey, completely destroying that half of our building.

Miraculously our charity enterprise, Goldfinch furniture - which occupies the front of this unit -  didn’t burn. After the shock subsided, and a whole lot of mess was cleared up, we were left with a question. “Could we take the plunge and turn the back unit into a youth training hub?”

We’ve dreamed about using the space for our charity youth work for a long time, but up to now haven’t had the opportunity, finance or infrastructure to make it work. However, our project has grown and developed over the last couple of years and we would love to take this huge step.

Life handed us a lemon… could you help us make lemonade!?

Find out more and donate on our Crowdfunder page.

As well as generating income from our furniture at Goldfinch, and our tasty treats at Lumberjack we also rely on donations from individuals, grant making bodies and businesses. To fully support and employ the young people we work with we have to raise about 20% of our income through gifts and grants.

If you’d like to become a sponsor or donor we’d love you to join our story.

You can now donate directly via our online portal.

Alternatively, please email if you’d like to have a chat about supporting our work.